
cooling capacity中文是什么意思

  • 冷却本领
  • 冷却能力



  • 例句与用法
  • In that case you may have to add extra cooling capacity
  • Motor vehicles - cooling capacity for engine cooling system - test method on road
  • York cooling king air - conditioners also achieved breakthroughs in technological excellence in the cooling capacity
    York cooling king冷气机的冷气能量也取获工艺性的突破。
  • Nominal cooling capacity conditions : chilled water in 12 , out7 ; entering db 35 , wb 24
    冷量是依据冰水入口温度12 ,出口温度7 ;环境干球球温度35 ,湿球温度24计算得出。
  • Nominal cooling capacity conditions : chilled water in 12 , out7 , cooling water in 30 , out35
    冷量是依据冰水入口温度12 ,出口温度7 ;冷却水进口温度30 ,出口温度35计算得出。
  • Nominal cooling capacity conditions : chilled water in 12 , out 7 ; entering air db 35 , wb 24
    冷量系依据冰水入口温度12 ,出口温度7 ;入口空气干球温度35 ,湿球温度24计算得出。
  • At the same time , transportation & cooling capacity have been enhanced to increase the yield of vacuum cut i by 2 % ~ 3 %
    同时又增大减一油系统的输送能力和冷却能力,使减一线收率上升2 % ~ 3 % 。
  • Yap added that , apart from the breakthrough in its cooling capacity , york cooling king has also many innovative features
    他补充说,除了突破冷却能量之外, york cooling king还有许多的创新特点。
  • The cooling capacity of an air - conditioner is measured in btu hr , the higher the btu hr , the faster the cooling capacity
  • Note : 1 . nominal cooling capacity conditions : chilled water in 12 , out 7 ; entering air db 35 , wb 24
    备注: 1 .冷量系依据冰水入口温度12 ,出口温度7 ;入口空气干球温度35 ,湿球温度24计算得出。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
  • 百科解释
Cooling capacity is the measure of a cooling system's ability to remove heat. Common units include tons, and tonnes, which describe the amount of water at a given temperature that can be frozen in a given amount of time.
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
cooling capacity的中文翻译,cooling capacity是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译cooling capacity,cooling capacity的中文意思,cooling capacity的中文cooling capacity in Chinesecooling capacity的中文cooling capacity怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
